What type of appointment do you need to book?

Birth Registration Appointments

  • It is a legal requirement to register a birth within 42 days of your baby being born.
  • You will need a birth certificate when applying for any benefits related to the birth of a newborn.
  • You must have an appointment to register a birth with Shropshire Registration Service

Death Registration Appointments

  • Appointments to register a death can only be made when the Medical Examiner or Coroner have confirmed you are able to proceed. Please ensure you know the name of the Medical Examiner/ Coroner or Medical Examiner's/Coroner's Officer before making your appointment, as you will be asked to provide this information at the time of booking.
  • Death Registrations must be completed within five days of receiving confirmation from the Medical Examiner / Coroner

Notice Appointments

  • Once you have booked your ceremony venue and Registrars, and you are within 12 months of your ceremony date, you can book your Notice appointments.
  • Ensure that you both attend your notice appointment at the latest 29 days before your ceremony date (71 days, if either of you is subject to immigration control) to gain legal clearance for your ceremony to proceed.

We do not allow walk-in appointments.